Designing, materializing and supplying high-quality, tailored streetwear essentials. Made by gamers, for gamers.



Founded May 11th 2021 in New York City.

High quality apparel tailored specifically and devoted to gamers have remained an untapped facet in the fashion industry. Time Capsule NY™ corrects this. Supplying wearables with custom cuts that are super cozy for gaming at home, yet stylish enough to wear out.


encapsulation© .

Citywide riddle based easter-egg/scavenger hunts for our highly sought after Time Capsules. High-grade stainless steel in construction, they contain free Time Capsule NY™ merchandise and other various prizes. Sony Playstation 5 consoles, vintage Pokémon cards & highly exclusive art toys are a few examples of the artifacts to be collected through encapsulation©.

Powered by Cyclone Studios©.

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